In order to both sustain and grow the NW Justice Forum as a relevant and effective event for the implementation and growth of Restorative Justice values and practice in the Pacific Northwest, it is important to create and sustain a committed and active working group (Steering Committee and Sub-Committees) to plan the annual forums. Chairs of the subcommittees will be selected from the Forum Steering Committee (FSC). Subcommittees will consist of both FSC and non FSC members. If you are interested in joining one of our subcommittees, please carefully review the following criteria and then complete and submit the application (follow link at bottom of information). View the sub-committee descriptions here.
Sub-Committee Selection Criteria
The following criteria will be used by the existing Forum Steering Committee to select new sub-committee members.
To enhance efficiency and effectiveness, the number of members for each of the 7 sub-committees will be 4.
Each member shall have demonstrated a commitment to and grounding in Restorative Justice values and practice.
A priority in selecting members shall be to have the greatest possible diversity in: geographic location in Oregon and Washington (Ideally no more than two people from any agency/organization); community size is an important factor - ideally the sub-committees will have representatives from communities/counties of varying size and demographics; ethnicity/race/culture are additional important factors in creating a diverse group that can be aware of issues/topics/practices that are important to highlight at a Forum; and, stakeholders who bring diverse insight, experience, perspectives and needs are also of importance. While the Forum cannot effectively focus on the great breadth work that Restorative Justice principles are relevant to, the Forum does seek to be a valuable venue to stakeholders who have a significant focus of working with youth and those impacted by youth – juvenile justice, schools, law enforcement, crime victims/advocates, social services, social justice agencies/groups, community activists.
Sub-Committee Member Commitments
I commit to make sub-committee meetings a priority and will schedule accordingly- Meetings happen as needed and as scheduled by the sub-committee chair. The committee values geographic diversity, therefore phone conferencing is perfectly acceptable. However, for members within the Portland/Vancouver Metro area, the commitment is to meet in person the vast majority of the time. Group cohesion is improved upon when members are present in the room.
I commit to enthusiastic participation in the business of the sub-committee- Tasks required of sub-committee members can often be time consuming over the course of the planning cycle.
I commit to being present and active at the Forum in carrying out the needed tasks for the successful implementation of the Forum.
I commit to thinking creatively about how the planning committee can help advance, teach, and implement, the values and principles of Restorative Justice.
To complete the electronic application, click here. If you prefer applying by filling out the form and mailing it in, click here.