In order to sustain and grow the NW Justice Forum as a relevant and effective event for the implementation and growth of Restorative Justice values and practice in the Pacific Northwest, it is important to maintain a committed, diverse and active working group to plan the annual Forums. This page is for prospective members to learn more about the Steering Committee. For more information, or to express your interest in joining the Steering Committee, please Contact Us after reviewing this page.
Steering Committee Composition
The following values will be considered by the existing Steering Committee when selecting new members.
To enhance efficiency and effectiveness, the maximum size of the Steering Committee will be 14 members.
Each member shall have demonstrated a commitment to and grounding in Restorative Justice values, principles and practice.
A priority in selecting members for the Steering Committee shall be to have the greatest possible diversity in:
geographic location (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington);
community size (ideally the Steering Committee will have representatives from communities/counties of varying size and demographics);
ethnicity/race/culture (to create a diverse group that can be aware of issues/topics/practices that are important to highlight at a Forum); and,
stakeholders who bring diverse insight, experience and perspectives. (While the Forum cannot effectively highlight ALL the work that Restorative Justice principles are relevant to, the Forum does seek to be a valuable venue to stakeholders who have a significant focus of working with: juvenile justice, schools, law enforcement, crime victims/advocates, social services, social justice agencies/groups, community activists and many more).
Steering Committee Member Values
The NW Justice Forum recognizes that prospective Steering Committee members have a wide range of experience, skills, and perspectives to contribute to the Forum, as well as differing levels of capacity to invest. The Steering Committee does not expect each individual member to commit to the exact same criteria when joining the team. The bulleted list below are examples of ideals for Steering Committee members but are not mandatory criteria. Ideally, Steering Committee members will:
commit to attend the monthly planning meetings (Zoom). These meetings are typically 1.5 - 2 hours in length. During the busiest planning times there may be additional meetings. Not only do the events of the Forum benefit from each Steering Committee member's consistent attendance, but group cohesion is greatly improved!
commit to enthusiastic participation in the business of the Steering Committee. Tasks required of committee members can often be time-consuming over the course of the planning year. No single task expected of a committee member should become a distraction from the member’s home agency, but planning and commitment is required in order to make meaningful contributions to the successful Forum production.
commit to being present and active at the Forum. A team of helping hands is vital to the successful execution of the Forum.
commit to review the Steering Committee meeting agendas, minutes, and other documents when needed. The NW Justice Forum values short, achievable agendas and succinct minutes. Review and feedback from each Steering Committee member throughout the year is vital to the success of the Forum.
commit to thinking creatively about how the Steering Committee can help advance, teach, and implement, the values and principles of Restorative Justice. We value creativity! We need your ideas! The best thing you can contribute to the Steering Committee is yourself.
If you would like to hear more about Steering Committee membership, or have questions about what that might look like for you, please Contact Us. We will schedule a phone/Zoom call to hear more about your interest, contributions, and capacity.